Travel grants to students participating in the 37th Annual Convention of IACR 2018
• Limited Travel Grants are available to students who are presenting their work at the 37th Annual Convention of IACR at Kolkata from 23rd to 25th February, 2018
• Age limit: < 30 yrs (Submit an age proof certificate along with the application)
• Application for travel grant must include a statement that no travel support has been availed or going to avail from any other sources. Application must be forwarded and recommended by the PhD supervisor.
• Applications to be sent to Organizing Secretary, IACR 2018 at
• Selection for travel grant would be based on the merit of the submitted abstract. Selected candidates will be intimated by email by February 2, 2018
• Train A/C III TIER fare would be reimbursed to the awardees on submission of proof of journey.
• Students from Kolkata and surroundings participating in the 37th Annual Convention of IACR (IACR 2018) are not eligible for the travel grant.
• For any query, please contact